Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza

This is the second book I've read from Keiko and I loved it just as much as the first. This story is about a fox and a pig. The fox is preparing to go out to hunt for his dinner when a little pig knocks on his door; he thinks it is his lucky day. Through a series of requests or "suggestions" as the pig puts it, he has the fox bathing him, feeding him, and massaging him. By the time all of this is finished the fox is exhausted and is too tired to eat the pig. The pig walks out of the foxes house feeling as though it is HIS lucky day.

I thought this story was really entertaining and I definitely think children would love it. I really enjoyed the twist at the end and how it turned out to be the pig's lucky day instead of the fox. I was interested through the entire story and I could see students loving this book because it has a lot of humor that children can relate to.

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